
Miracle of Water

Water is the basic source of life for every living thing. There is no life in an environment where there is no water. The fact that the only planet with water is Earth is proof of this. The miracles of water are not limited to this. It is because of the substances in its structure that it is home to living things; From the bonds it contains to its surface properties, water is a complex and pure structure at many points.

The land and water distribution in the world is also in a magnificent balance. Three quarters of the earth is covered with water. Considering that this rate is less, an increase in the rate of desert and arid regions would occur. Land-dependent activities such as agriculture and animal husbandry would be difficult to do. Likewise, when this ratio is high, even if it is fertile, the land area decreases and therefore many difficulties have arisen, especially for settlement and the life of land creatures.

Although the substances that make up the structure of water are known and are found in nature in abundance, it is not possible to create water artificially. Water occurred once in the first formation process of the Earth and maintains its existence by forming a cycle. Consisting of two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms, water is formed under very high temperature and pressure. During this formation, the bonds forming the hydrogen and oxygen atoms weaken and combine in another form to form the water compound. It is not possible to provide this temperature and pressure on Earth at the moment.

Water can exist in three different physical forms: solid, liquid and gas. Another miracle of water is that its solid state is lighter than other phases. The reason for this is that there is hydrogen bond between water molecules. (Hydrogen bond is a type of physical bond that holds the compounds made by the H atmon with the F, O, N atoms together.). While the hydrogen bond holds the water molecules together, it leaves long gaps between these molecules, so the solid water molecules float on the water molecules in the liquid state. While the liquid states of all other substances are lighter than their solid states, water is the only substance that breaks this rule. This feature caused the water to freeze starting from the surface. Thanks to the hydrogen bonds, water that comes into contact with a cold effect starts to freeze from its upper layer. In the polar regions, this feature of water offers many living things a living space. While the water, which consists of ice masses on the upper part, provides shelter to land creatures, the liquid at the bottom allows aquatic creatures to live comfortably. In addition, the ice portion of the water insulates the cold and the liquid portion at the bottom maintains its temperature, thus maintaining the ideal temperature required for the living.

Another miraculous property of water is the surface tension found on its surface. This feature, also formed by hydrogen bonds, allows substances heavier than water to remain on the water surface. The factor that creates this is that the molecules form a solid layer by forming hydrogen bonds with each other and with other molecules at the bottom. In order for substances to sink in water, these bonds must be broken. Considering that there is no surface tension, the existence of ships could not be mentioned. It also creates a habitat for many small insect species walking on the water surface. In addition, if there were no surface tension, more energy would be required for the movement of underwater creatures. Another example of surface tension is that plants absorb water by their roots. Plants can easily deliver water to their bodies thanks to its high surface tension.

In short, water is a miracle. We should not waste this miracle, we should use this blessing we hold in our hands correctly.

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