
Oral Aphthous Ulcers – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Oral mouth sores and mouth sores are usually caused by a decrease in body resistance. Oral ulcer canker sores, which are more common in women than in men, are also known as the result of stress and unhealthy diet, although the exact cause is not known. So what are the causes of intraoral aphthae? How is the treatment of mouth ulcers?

Experts pointed out that aphthae, which occur with the decrease in body resistance, are seen in approximately 20 percent of the society and are more common in women. ilber said that although the exact cause is not known, stress, acidic foods, tongue and cheek bite-related concussion, toothpastes with high levels of SLS, Behçet’s disease, smoking, and vitamin deficiency are the primary causes of aphthous formation.

They described the aphthae, which they thought were caused by a virus or related to the immune system disorder, as “small ulcers that progress with tissue damage in the mouth, lips and around the tongue”.

Dilber noted that aphthae are seen in approximately twenty percent of the society and continued as follows; “Aphthae, which we encounter more frequently in females, sometimes occur more than once at the same time, although they are usually single. It is very painful and healing time usually exceeds one week. Although the exact cause is not known, many factors play an important role in the formation of aphtha.

Stress, acidic foods, tongue and cheek bite shaking, toothpastes with high levels of SLS, Behçet’s disease, smoking, and vitamin deficiency are the primary causes of aphtha formation. The most important factor in the formation of aphtha is the reduction of body resistance. Stress is the factor that decreases body resistance the most and triggers the formation of aphtha. Pre-menstrual tension and loss of resistance associated with premenstrual period increase the formation of aphtha. Smoking is the most important factor that impairs oral health and is one of the important factors in the formation of aphtae as in many diseases ”.

Explaining that aphthae are very painful lesions that prevent eating food, moving the mouth or even laughing, the experts emphasized that avoiding factors such as smoking, stress and shaking, which are the effects of the formation of aphtae, is the simplest way to treat. Despite the attention to these, if the wounds still occur in the mouth, the experts stated that it may be possible to reduce the complaints with appropriate treatment options and listed the things that should be done simply for aphtha treatment;

– We should avoid hot, acidic and irritating foods

– We can apply a fine cream prepared on the aphtha with a mixture of water and carbonate.

– We can gargle three times a day with the solution we obtain by adding half a spoon of salt to half a glass of water.

– We can shorten the recovery period by using mouthwashes with pain relieving properties.

– To reduce the pain during chewing, we can apply pain relieving solutions superficially before meals and reduce the pain for 15-20 minutes.

– In repetitive or prolonged aphthae, rinsing the mouth with carbonated and saline water and applying glycerin on the wounds also speeds the healing.

Despite all these treatment methods mentioned above, if the aphthae occur frequently or continue for a long time, it will be useful to see your otolaryngologist.


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