
Seven Facts to Know About the Ocean

Scientists have mapped more areas of the Earth than the ocean floor on the surface of the Moon, Mars and Venus. There is, however, a reason beyond indifference to oceanography. In fact, mapping the surface of the ocean floor that wants to measure gravity anomalies and use the sonar at close distances is more difficult than a nearby Moon or Planet that can be made by a radar from a satellite.  The entire ocean was mapped, and it turned out to be at a much lower resolution (5km) than the Moon (7m), Mars (20m) or Venus (100m). The ocean of the world has not been explored much. This makes it difficult for scientists, including scientists, and their average citizens to fully understand this powerful and important resource. The need to understand the impact of people on the ocean and the impact of the ocean on them citizens need ocean literacy.

In October 2005, a group of national organizations published a list of 7 main principles and 44 basic Ocean Science Literacy concepts. Ocean Science Literacy has three main goals. These goals are: understanding ocean science, communicating meaningfully about the ocean, and making informed and responsible decisions about ocean policy. Here are the seven basic principles:

1. The World Has A Huge Ocean With Many Features

The world has seven continents, but it has an ocean. The sea is not a simple thing: it hides more volcanoed mountain areas than anyone on land and is confused by a system of currents and complex tides. In plate tectonics, the oceanic plates of lithophase mix the cold crust with the warm mantle for millions of years. The water of the ocean integrates with the fresh water used and depends on it throughout the water cycle in the world. However, the ocean that is as large as it is finite and its resources are limited.

2. Life in the Ocean Shapes the Features of the Ocean and the Earth

In geological time, the sea prevails ashore. Most of the rocks left on land remain under water when the sea level is higher than today. Limestone is biological products created from the system of microscopic marine life. And the sea shapes the beach not only in hurricanes, but also in erosion and precipitation studies with waves and tides.

3. Ocean is an Important Effect on Air and Climate

Indeed, the ocean rules the world and performs three global cycles: water, carbon and energy. Rain comes from evaporated sea water, not only transfers water but also solar energy from the sea. Marine plants produce most of the oxygen in the world; sea water takes half the carbon dioxide thrown into the air. The currents of the sea carry warmth from the tropics to the poles and the climate changes as the currents change.

4. The Ocean Makes the World Livable

Life in the ocean started billions of years ago from the Proterozoic Eon, giving all its oxygen to the atmosphere, and therefore life itself began in the ocean. Geochemically speaking, the ocean allowed the Earth to hold the locked precious source of hydrogen.

5. The Ocean Supports A Wide Variety of Life and Ecosystems

The habitat in the ocean is much larger than the habitat of the soil. Likewise, there are larger groups of living things at sea than on land. Ocean life includes swimmers and some deep ecosystems, they are based on chemical energy without any input from the sun. Nevertheless, while most of the ocean is a desert, estuaries and reefs in both sensitive environments support the world’s largest abundance of life. The coastal strips have an enormous variety of habitats based on tides, wave energies and water depths.

6. Ocean and People are Inseparably Connected

The ocean offers humanity both resources and dangers. Food, medicines and minerals are extracted from the ocean; commerce is based on sea routes. It lives near most of the population and this is a great entertainment venue. Looking at their dangers, ocean storms, tsunamis, and sea levels are changing and threatening coastal life. However, people influence how they use, change, pollute and regulate these ocean activities. These are issues that concern all governments and all citizens.

7. The Ocean Is Not Explored To A Large Scale

Depending on the resolution, only 0.05 to 15% of the oceans are studied in detail. Since the ocean is about 70% of the entire Earth’s surface, this means that 62.65-69.965% of the Earth is not discovered. As the dependence on the ocean continues to increase, marine science will be more important in preserving the health and value of the ocean, as well as in eliminating ocean curiosities. Ocean researchers need many different skills. These skills are biologists, chemists, technicians, programmers, physicists, engineers and geologists, etc.


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