
Supplements for Migraine Pain Relief

In migraine treatment, it is important to stay away from foodstuffs that trigger migraines and remove refined sugar and carbohydrates from nutrition. On the other hand, there are many vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements that can support migraine treatment. With these supplements, it is possible to reduce the frequency, intensity, and severity of pain as well as the amount of pharmaceutical drugs needed to manage pain. However, it is important to use supplements in the follow-up of a healthcare professional.

Coenzyme Q10

In intracellular energy methobolism, mitochondria need coenzyme to synthesize ATP from nutrients. In its deficiency, mitochondria cannot work at full capacity. Given that migraine is a mitochondrial metabolism disease, it will be understood how important Coenzyme is in the treatment of migraine.

In addition, since cardiovascular diseases and chronic fatigue syndrome are common in migraine patients, they are good for all these problems with a common effect.

CoQ10 of children and adolescent migraine patients was found low and there was a decrease in pain after supplementation.

For adults, 300 mg of CoQ10 support, which is divided into three per day, is recommended.

Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and blood-thinning properties. It provides benefit in migraine by reducing inflammation and shrinkage of vessels. It is a good support for the functions of the brain, an important part of which is fat. 1-3 grams per day is recommended.


People who suffer from migraine often have low intracellular magnesium levels. Low magnesium causes the release of substances that cause spasm and pain in the serabral arteries. Replacing magnesium reduces pain frequency and severity.

It is known that magnesium both increases the sensitivity to insulin, causes a decrease in stress-related inflammation response and relaxes the vessels.

300-600 mg of magnesium supplements per day helps to reduce and prevent migraine attacks.

Magnesium can come in many different forms. Bisglycinate, malate, citrate or taurate forms of magnesium may be appropriate in the treatment of migraine. You can determine the most suitable form for yourself based on the following information:

  • Magnesium Bisglycinate

It is one of the highest forms of magnesium with its bioavailability, that is, it is well absorbed and has good digestion. The chance of causing diarrhea is rare. Glycine is an amino acid known for its calming effect as well as supporting detoxification and cellular function. Apart from migraine pain, it is also beneficial for insomnia.

  • Magnesium Malate

The combination of magnesium and malic acid is very useful for migraine sufferers as it improves and supports ATP production at the cellular level. It increases energy and reduces pain. It is well absorbed with minimal digestive disorders.

  • Magnesium Citrate

The bioavailability of this form due to citric acid is good. It provides relief in migraine because it also provides benefit in repairing the muscles. It should be remembered that high doses can cause diarrhea.

  • Magnesium Taurat

Since this form is successful in regulating sugar metabolism, I recommend it to migraine patients with insulin sensitivity.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) has an important enzymatic role in regulating carbohydrate methobolism and adjusting blood sugar levels. An increase in migraine pain may be observed especially in insufficiency with insulin resistance. On the other hand, it takes part in the metabolism of serotonin and in repairing the myelin sheath surrounding the nerve cells in the brain.

Vitamin B2

B2 (riboflavin) levels were found to be low in patients with chronic migraine, and supplementation has been shown to reduce migraine complaints.

It is believed that energy production within the brain blood vessels decreases in migraine headaches. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) increases energy production in the cell. Riboflavin is also involved in the repair of cells (especially red blood cells) and in the neutralization of harmful free radicals and in the metabolism of serotonin.

In B2 deficiency, excitability increases in the brain due to disruptions in mitochondrial energy methobolism and it reacts more exaggeratedly to external stimuli.

Vitamin B3

Studies have shown that the frequency and severity of migraine decrease in patients who are supplemented with vitamin B3 (niacin). It is indirectly good for migraine by decreasing triglyceride level and raising HDL levels in patients with methobolic syndrome with migraine. On the other hand, it is a good supplement to migraine due to its positive effects on serotonin methobolism and inflammatory process. It provides calming and easier falling asleep while reducing headaches. Non flush forms should be preferred because they will cause redness on sensitive people or when used in high doses.


Melatonin protects the brain from inflammation and protects mitochondria. First of all, natural production of melatonin should be provided, but it should be reinforced in its deficiency. It is beneficial in reducing the frequency of migraines.


Generally, endorphine levels are low in migraine patients. Endorphins are morale boosters that can relieve the body’s own pain and improve mood. 5-HTP helps raise endorphine levels. It decreases migraine attacks by increasing serotonin levels.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has an important role in magnesium absorption and methobolism. For this reason, magnesium deficiency is also observed in patients with vitamin D deficiency. He takes part in the metabolism of serotonin. Therefore, adding to the treatment of patients with depression together with migraine increases the response to treatment.

Vitamin D level in migraine patients is important for reducing migraine attacks and should be kept between 60-80. It is also important to maintain it after the level is captured.

It has been observed that migraines start at a younger age in patients with low vitamin D.

C vitamin

It is useful in relieving nerve inflammation in migraine. It is indispensable for the repair of all tissues in the body. It also reduces the damage caused by free radicals with its antioxidant activity.


Migraine pain can be seen in the deficiency due to its role in the serotonin methobolism. Selenium form with the highest bioavailability is selenomethionine.


Iron and copper levels were low in migraine patients. However, while the deficiency of both minerals is not good, their excess triggers migraine attacks. Citrus and monosodium glutamate (MSG) can trigger pain by increasing copper absorption. If there is iron deficiency anemia, it must be treated.


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