
7 Ways to Get Rid of Bloating

It’s the holiday season…Do these days bring out your extra-indulgent side about food?

If your answer is yes, you can end your holiday meals feeling like your stomach is swollen from all that food.

Holidays aside, does your stomach seem to have tripled in size from time to time?

According to scientific research, this is not the case. On the contrary, this swelling is probably just gas…

When we focus on gut health, it seems likely that the cause of this swelling is due to excess air or gas in the gastrointestinal tract.

For example; When we eat, carbohydrates are broken down after a biochemical process, and their fiber is fermented, which leads to gas and bloating, especially in our stomach.

Although unpleasant, it is usually nothing to worry about. “Typically, bloating is not a sign of anything serious, especially if it only occurs after large meals (i.e. eating too much)”

But if this swelling has become chronic, visit a gastroenterologist to rule out something more serious.

There may also be a feeling of pain in your unusual swelling.

Let’s see what we can do to get rid of bloating and go on vacation with a non-flat stomach or spend the holidays with a non-flatulent belly…

1-For water

When you feel like your stomach is about to burst, drinking water is probably the last thing you want to do. According to the scientists, “fluid intake is crucial for minimizing bloating.”

Bloating is often the result of eating high-salt foods. According to Harvard Health Publishing, sodium increases bloating, possibly because it causes water retention. The purpose of drinking water after a meal is to balance that sodium and encourage your body to excrete it in the urine. While it may seem counterintuitive, drinking water can help reduce bloating by getting rid of excess sodium in the body. Another tip: Make sure to drink plenty of water before your meal, too.

According to the Mayo Clinic, this step offers the same bloating-minimizing effect and can also prevent overeating.


Instead of going straight to the couch after an overeating meal, get some movement. Going for a short walk can help stimulate stomach motility and reduce bloating. Studies have shown that walking after a meal accelerates gastric emptying. Five or 10 minutes can be all it takes to help you relax. You’re even better off if exercise is a regular part of your routine. According to Temple Health, getting regular exercise can help keep the walls of your large intestine in a tone so you can go to the bathroom easily.

3-Stop Drinking

You may want to get yourself another drink after dinner, but that won’t help your bloated stomach. Alcohol can slow digestion and increase water retention.

Alcohol will initially cause you to urinate more and can eventually cause the body to become dehydrated. Dehydration tells the body to hold on to water and then results in that bloated stomach feeling. So for the time being, don’t continue to have after-dinner drinks.

After all, you’re better off sticking to water to keep belly swelling to a minimum.

4-Stay Away From Carbonation

You may think sipping a fizzy drink like seltzer or soda will trigger burping and make you feel better, but all it does is add gas to your system. You will feel more swelling as the bubbles get stuck in your stomach.

5-For Herbal Tea

It is good to drink peppermint, ginger or fennel tea to keep stomach bloating away. Don’t drink peppermint tea if you’re struggling with GERD) or a hernia, as this can backfire and cause gastric juices to come out of the esophagus. Instead, consider ginger tea, as previous research has shown it can help speed stomach emptying. According to the review, fennel is another good option and has been shown to help with a variety of stomach issues.

6-Get Support from Yoga Postures

After eating dessert, be sure to create an opportunity to stretch your body well.

Gentle yoga poses such as Child’s pose or Cat/Cow can help relieve tummy discomfort associated with bloating. Hold each pose for five deep breaths (inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth) and keep repeating until you get some relief, she says. This helps activate your body’s parasympathetic nervous system, or mode of rest and digestion, which will help you calm down and digest your food better.

7-Do Not Chew Gum

We know that swallowing too much air can cause bloating and gas. If you eat or drink too quickly, drink fizzy drinks, or chew gum, the extra air gets into your system. If this air gets trapped in the colon or small intestine, you will eventually feel bloated and gassy. Pay attention to your eating rate so as not to add extra air to your system.


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